While Yusuf AS was serving his indefinite sentence in prison, forgotten by all, the King of Egypt had a dream:

“Indeed, I have seen [in a dream] seven fat cows being eaten by seven [that were] lean, and seven green spikes [of grain] and others [that were] dry.” (Al Qur’an 12:43)

He knew this dream to be a crucial premonition, but none of the eminent people serving him could decipher the meaning. They told him that these were just confused dreams, and further, they were not learned in the skill of interpreting dreams. The freed cupbearer, who was Yusuf’s AS prison mate, remembered Yusuf’s AS ability to interpret dreams, so he sought Yusuf’s AS help so that he could convey the meaning to the King.

[Yusuf] said, “You will plant for seven years consecutively; and what you harvest leave in its spikes, except a little from which you will eat.
Then will come after that seven difficult [years] which will consume what you saved for them, except a little from which you will store.
Then will come after that a year in which the people will be given rain and in which they will press [olives and grapes].”
(Al Qur’an 47 – 49)

Upon hearing this wise advice, the King asked for Yusuf AS to be brought into his presence, but Yusuf AS instead requested the King to investigate his case first. He did not want to meet the King until the people knew that he had been imprisoned unjustly and that he had committed no crime.

By some calculations, by then, Yusuf AS had been imprisoned for seven to twelve years, and around twenty five years had passed from the time he was dropped into the well. This is a wide approximation, based on different sources.

The investigation was opened, and they brought the women who had originally accused him. They admitted that they knew no evil of him, for indeed, he had resisted their seduction. The wife of his master then confessed that she was the one who tried to seduce him and bore witness that he was truthful. Finally, the truth was revealed.

With his reputation cleared, Yusuf AS was able to face the King with dignity. The King was so impressed with his wisdom, integrity and innocence, that he appointed Yusuf AS to be in the established and trusted position of the treasurer of Egypt. From a slave and a prisoner, Yusuf AS was now responsible for the entire country’s storehouses and in the King’s elite circle!

The King’s dream, as interpreted by Yusuf AS came true. Egypt enjoyed seven years of abundance. During this time, Yusuf AS taught them how to protect the wheat from being eaten by insects and pests, which was by storing the wheat while still on their stalks, allowing them live longer and be more resilient. During this time, the people ate only what they needed, and stored the rest in anticipation of the long drought ahead.

After seven years, a drought came upon Egypt. The soil refused to yield any crops for seven years, so the entire nation now used the wheat that had been systematically set aside in the granary over the previous years. The nation was saved from famine due to the measures taken at the advice of Yusuf AS. On the fifteenth year, as foretold, crops grew again in abundance.

The Brothers Reunite

As treasurer of Egypt, Yusuf AS was entrusted to distribute the stored wheat fairly to the nation. Egypt at this time had enough surplus food to feed its neighbouring countries which were also affected by the drought, including Jerusalem where Yaqub AS, Yusuf’s AS father now lived.

One day, Yusuf’s AS brothers (except for the youngest, Bin Yamin (Benjamin), who remained in Jerusalem) arrived in Egypt with their caravan and wanted to barter their goods for the wheat and other provisions of Egypt. The procedure was to go through the treasury department of Egypt to make the trade, which was controlled by no other than Yusuf AS, the helpless brother whom they had thrown into the well as a child!

Yusuf AS recognized his brothers immediately, even though they did not recognize him. Yusuf AS issued instructions for his brothers to be given whatever they asked for. In addition, he also returned their merchandise without their knowledge:

And [Yusuf] said to his servants, “Put their merchandise into their saddlebags so they might recognize it when they have gone back to their people that perhaps they will [again] return.” (Al Qur’an 12:62)

Having proven his generosity to them, he asked if they had another brother, and they confirmed that was the case. Yusuf AS then said:

“Bring me a brother of yours from your father. Do not you see that I give full measure and that I am the best of accommodators? But if you do not bring him to me, no measure will there be [hereafter] for you from me, nor will you approach me.” (Al Qur’an 12:59 – 12:60)

This request and veiled threat created a predicament. Their father was never convinced of their story about Yusuf’s AS disappearance. They knew that if they tried to take Bin Yamin with them, it would not be easy to convince him. How could they win his trust given the history?

When they went to their father and told him of the request, of course, Yaqub AS resisted. The suspicious disappearance Yusuf AS was still fresh in his memory.

He said, “Should I entrust you with him except [under coercion] as I entrusted you with his brother before? But Allah is the best guardian, and He is the most merciful of the merciful.” (Al Qur’an 12:64)

When they unpacked their belongings, they discovered that their merchandise had been returned to them.

They said, “O our father, what [more] could we desire? This is our merchandise returned to us. And we will obtain supplies for our family and protect our brother and obtain an increase of a camel’s load; that is an easy measurement.” (Al Qur’an 12:65)

His sons kept persuading him with all sorts of oaths and affirmations that Bin Yamin would be returned to him. Finally Yaqub AS relented on the condition that they gave him a strong and sincere pledge:

“Never will I send him with you until you give me a promise by Allah that you will bring him [back] to me, unless you should be surrounded by enemies.” And when they had given their promise, he said, “Allah, over what we say, is Witness.” (Al Qur’an 12:66)

Yaqub AS knew that whatever they plotted and planned would not save him from what Allah had planned. Yaqub AS felt that destiny was about to take place. He remembered the dream that Yusuf AS had confided to him as a child, which foretold a great status for him. As a human being, he was apprehensive of what would happen, but as a Prophet and Messenger, he knew that the destiny of Allah would occur and that any precaution was useless.

He nonetheless ordered his sons to divide themselves and enter the city through separate gates, although he knew that he could not save them from Allah’s will.

When they arrived, Yusuf AS took Bin Yamin aside and revealed his identity, but that it should be kept secret at that stage. He then devised a plan to retain his brother in Egypt.

Yusuf AS distributed the provisions to his brothers, but arranged for the treasury’s golden measuring bowl to be hidden amongst the belongings of Bin Yamin. After they left, Yusuf AS and his people ran after the caravan, telling them that the King’s measuring bowl was missing, and by some reports, offering a prize of one camel load of food for the one who retrieved it. The brothers of course denied that they were there to create mischief or that they were thieves. The brothers agreed that the person on whom the missing measuring bowl was found would be charged with theft, carrying the penalty of being held as a bondsman to atone for his crime, as was the customary punishment at that time.

The brothers’ belongings were searched one by one starting from the eldest to the youngest. The missing bowl was “discovered” amongst Bin Yamin’s things, so, to the horror of the other brothers, he was arrested.

True to their nature, the brothers, instead of defending their brother, told Yusuf AS:

“If he steals – a brother of his has stolen before.” But Yusuf kept it within himself and did not reveal it to them. He said, “You are worse in position, and Allah is most knowing of what you describe.” (Al Qur’an 12:77)

Imagine their audacity – not only to leave Bin Yamin defenceless, but also to make false accusations against Yusuf AS right to his face!

But they had a bigger problem on their hands. According to what was agreed, and also the law of the land, Bin Yamin would have to be detained in Egypt. How were they to explain to their father that they had broken their pledge and had lost another brother? They even offered Yusuf AS for one of them to trade places with Ben Yamin on the pretext of seeking clemency because of their elderly father, but Yusuf AS said that it would be unjust to arrest anyone apart from the person on whom they had found holding the measuring bowl.

The brothers consulted with each other in private. This incident was catastrophic. What were they to do?

The eldest of them said, “Do you not know that your father has taken upon you an oath by Allah and [that] before you failed in [your duty to] Yusuf? So I will never leave [this] land until my father permits me or Allah decides for me, and He is the best of judges. (Al Qur’an 12:80)

By the power of Allah, events had been engineered that by the own agreement of the brothers, they were forced to leave Bin Yamin behind. All but the eldest brother returned to Jerusalem to break this shocking news to their father.

Yaqub AS he remained patient when he heard. Something about their story was fishy even though this time they were telling the truth! Bin Yamin accused of stealing? This was difficult for Yaqub AS to swallow, especially in light of how they had taken Yusuf AS away all those years ago under another pretext.

[Yaqub] said, “Rather, your souls have enticed you to something, so patience is most fitting. Perhaps Allah will bring them to me all together. Indeed it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise.” (Al Qur’an 12:83)

He then turned away from them and cried so much from grief, including his long held pain of losing Yusuf AS that he almost lost his vision from crying. His sons, probably not without any trace of envy, said: “By Allah, you will not cease remembering Yusuf until you become fatally ill or become of those who perish.” (Al Qur’an 12:85) To this, Yaqub AS gave his famous reply:

He said, “I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you do not know. (Al Qur’an 12:86)

Despite his sorrow, he knew that Allah would open the door of His mercy and grant him relief. He believed in the promise of Allah and asked his sons not to lose hope in the mercy of Allah, for only the disbelievers would despair in the mercy of Allah. At their father’s request, they returned to Egypt to claim back their little brother.

When they arrived in Egypt and appealed to him, Yusuf AS finally revealed his true identity:

He said “I am Yusuf, and this is my brother. Allah has certainly favored us. Indeed, he who fears Allah and is patient, then indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good.” (Al Qur’an 12:90)

There was nowhere to hide. This powerful man whom they were appealing to was the same one whom they had wronged – the truth, hidden all those decades, finally came to light, and the guilt of the brothers exposed. What more was there left to do but for them to admit:

“By Allah, certainly has Allah preferred you over us, and indeed, we have been sinners.” (Al Qur’an 12:91)

Yusuf AS told them that he bore no animosity for them in his heart. These were the words similar to those used by Rasulullah SAW to his people after decades of oppression towards him. It was also the same thing that Yusuf AS said about the lady who had earlier falsely accused him. He said:

“No blame will there be upon you today. Allah will forgive you; and He is the most merciful of the merciful.” (Al Qur’an 12:92)

He then set them free. Here, he demonstrated the true forgiving nature of Messengers and Prophets. He forgave them, despite their unforgiveable behaviour towards him.

Then he handed them his shirt and asked them to cast it over their father’s face to restore his vision, and then to gather the entire family and bring them back to Egypt. When the caravan departed from Egypt, Yaqub AS could detect the scent of Yusuf AS, and he told his family that Yusuf AS was coming. His family was scornful – the caravan was about a month’s journey away, he was turning blind from sadness and now he was losing his mind too?

When the caravan arrived in Jerusalem, the brothers cast Yusuf’s AS shirt over his father’s face, and his vision was restored. He said, “Did I not tell you that I know from Allah that which you do not know?” (Al Qur’an 12:96)

Now that the truth was out in the open, his sons asked for his forgiveness. True to the nature of a Prophet and Messenger, Yaqub AS did not berate his sons or curse them for the years of grief they had caused. Instead:

He said, “I will ask forgiveness for you from my Lord. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” (Al Qur’an 12:98)

The entire family then travelled to Egypt, including his father and almost seventy other family members.

The Dream Comes True

When the contingent arrived, Yusuf AS was sitting at the throne of the King with the key to Egypt’s treasury in his hand. He received his parents with full honour, and he raised them high on the throne.

All of his family, including his parents, prostrated before him. At this time, it was permitted for people to prostrate to each other as a token of respect and honour, although this practice was later abrogated by Islam.

And he said, “O my father, this is the explanation of my vision of before. My Lord has made it reality. And He was certainly good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you [here] from bedouin life after Satan had induced [estrangement] between me and my brothers. Indeed, my Lord is Subtle in what He wills. Indeed, it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise. (Al Qur’an 12:100)

Now that the favours of Allah had been completed upon him in such a wonderful way – the joyful reunion with his long lost parents and family, and the fulfillment of the prophecy, Yusuf AS made this beautiful supplication to thank Allah:

My Lord, You have given me [something] of sovereignty and taught me of the interpretation of dreams. Creator of the heavens and earth, You are my protector in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die a Muslim and join me with the righteous.” (Al Qur’an 12:101)

The above du’a is the etiquette of a Messenger and Prophet – not taking credit for all the glory of success, but humbly attributing them to Allah. Even as a Prophet, he prayed to be resurrected amongst the good people instead of assuming that he was one of them.

According to reports, Yaqub AS was only reunited with his son after three or four decades of separation. Can you imagine the kind of grief, uncertainty and heartbreak we would feel if our own children went missing, without any news from them whatsoever? Can you imagine the outpouring of emotions when Allah reunited all of them? It was certainly a beautiful reward for all the trials and suffering that Yusuf AS and his father had endured with beautiful patience.

Yusuf AS died at the age of 120. He was buried next to his father and close to his forefather, Ibrahim AS.


The best of stories

Allah SWT calls the story of Yusuf AS the best of stories. It contains all kinds of trial to one person – envy, jealousy, hatred, thrown into the darkness to the unknown and left for dead, to be sold as a slave, to be seduced by a woman and to live as a slave in the palace of an elite family and to be treated as a criminal and thrown in jail. Despite all this, he kept his faith and kept thanking Allah and even continued his da’wah in jail. He never lost hope, and he always focused on his journey of faith.

Allah SWT promised that those who have faith and patience with Allah to elevate them in dunia and akhirah. This is what happened. His case was dismissed, he was proven innocent by his own accuser. The gift of Allah to him of interpreting dreams was a cause orchestrated by Allah for him to later on became the King’s interpreter of dreams. What we can learn from that is that the promise of Allah will always be true and will arrive in the time Allah ordains.

Not Relying on Allah

Also we can learn the mistake Yusuf AS did when his heart swung for a moment and asked one of the released prisoners to remind him to the King. Instead Allah made this man forget and He punished Yusuf AS to extra years in prison, because the main lesson in here is that a person should not look to anyone for support except to Allah. This is very difficult unless your faith is really intact.

Victory from Allah

Finally, we see that the victory and support of Allah to those who belong to Allah. Allah gives assistance and support for His slaves.

When you look into the Mekkan verses of the Qur’an, especially the chapters on Messengers and Prophets which were revealed to Prophet SAW during the toughest moments of hardship, this was a lesson to show the Muslims the sunnah of Allah in the past, and that it will never change. When you read the chapter of Yusuf AS, after the story finished, Allah gave the final thought to the ummah of Muhammad SAW. Allah summarizes what He wanted from us and what His advice was and what the promise will be. Read the last few verses of this chapter slowly and carefully, and you will see the beautiful message to the whole ummah, a live message to the individual, family, collective and nation until the end of time.

Trial after Trial

Please reflect and remember that in any given moment in your life, you will pass through one of many parts of the story. To succeed, there is very basic element: faith, patience, trust in Allah, trust His promise and rely on Him 100%. Remember that all of us are living with a message, which is to be a role model and to convey the message to mankind. Today we live huge dramas of our family and personal affairs to the point that we have no time and heart for the message and even to be a role model. Don’t be unnecessarily occupied, because the ending is already decreed by Allah and will take place one way or another.

Any deviation from this advice will lead to the opposite: fitnah after fitnah, calamity after calamity, and you are not going anywhere, dunia or akhirah.

Don’t ever forget that the decree of Allah will take place, whether we like it or not, agree or disagree. The lucky one is the one who goes step by step with Allah and does not show any rebelliousness or deviation from the message.


When Yusuf AS met his brothers, he forgave his brothers and never blamed them, but instead blamed Shaitan. When the family prostrated before him, when he was in the station of the elite and titled, he humbled himself and begged Allah to make him die as a Muslim. Here we see the ultimate humbleness and humility in returning all the goodness to Allah. He asked Allah to make him die as a Muslim and resurrect him among the pious people, never claiming that he was pious himself.

May Allah SWT allow us to see and comprehend our stages in life at any given time, and make us a real believer, stand firm with our faith, and continue spreading the message, regardless of all the odds, waiting for the opening and victory from Allah.