A Female v A Woman
In the early days, kings, princes and men of status, when they used to choose a wife or even buy a slave girl, beauty was not the only factor. Her knowledge, ability to communicate and convince, her awareness of the history and the surroundings, her skills in medicine, were all taken into account, not just her beauty and femininity. When you study in the history of mankind, some of the best leaders used to seek support and consultation from their own women. Everyone knows the saying; behind every great man is a great woman.
Today, we find out that the opposite is true. Where does this come from?
Historians in the early days used to say, if you want to know the power and strength and the future of any nation, see the condition of their own women.
There is a big difference between a female, a girl and a woman. A female is the biological terminology for the female of the species. A girl is a young female, who does not know what she wants in life. What then, is a woman or a lady? She is a female with a good character, a serious goal and responsibility, and who lives her life to fulfil her goal.
According to the Qur’an, the title of a woman denotes someone who carries the message of Allah, with full responsibility, with the willingness to devote and sacrifice her life for the message. The example in chapter 66, verses 10- 12 speaks for itself:
Allah presents an example of those who disbelieved: the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were under two of Our righteous servants but betrayed them, so those prophets did not avail them from Allah at all, and it was said, “Enter the Fire with those who enter.”
And Allah presents an example of those who believed: the wife of Pharaoh, when she said, “My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise and save me from Pharaoh and his deeds and save me from the wrongdoing people.”
And [the example of] Maryam [Mary], the daughter of ‘Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We blew into [her garment] through Our angel, and she believed in the words of her Lord and His scriptures and was of the devoutly obedient.
The Qur’an gives us a spectrum of examples, starting with women who married the greatest of men but still had the highest level of disobedience, such as the wives of Nuh AS and Lut AS. On the other hand, Allah honours the wife of the Pharaoh by calling her a woman, for standing up against her husband, one of the worst tyrants in mankind, and standing firm for sabeelillah, the message and the belief, even when it led to her brutal torture and death. Further, the Qur’an shows that the ultimate journey in life, to obtain Allah’s pleasure, can be done without a husband, as was demonstrated by Maryam AS.
The Qur’an shows us the example of what being a true woman means.
Today, we are at the end of time. The ummah and mankind have developed a lot of diseases from colonialism, media brainwashing and propaganda, which promotes the female to be an airhead, competing in material status and chasing flashy lifestyles – but losing herself, her principles, belief and integrity in the process. The woman has been conditioned to become weak, vulnerable and easily manipulated, for a bigger goal, which is to weaken the nation.
In the early days, people used to say that teaching one woman is like teaching a nation. This is because of the role of women as the role models and educators of their children and the next generation. If we do the opposite and ignore the potential and role of the woman, we can destroy a nation, because any nation, and the future of any nation, is measured by the strength and the character of its own women.
A Male v A Man
Similar to women, when a man is not a man (as in he does not have the values, goals and aim in this life), he is just a biological male: hollow, vulnerable, weak, insecure, egotistical and empty.
What drives him? He would want to play the role of a man, but he does not have the qualities of one. The only way to give him assurance and to make him feel satisfied with his own character and superiority, is if he finds an equally hollow person to reinforce his own fantasy of manhood and being the one in control.
The man is supposed to be the developer and the maker of his own woman, not the breaker of his own woman. If he is empty inside and has nothing to give – in terms of values, character, guidance – it is easier for him to look for someone who is even more hollow than he is as his life partner. If he finds someone who possesses greater strength of character than he does, he will end up breaking her.
However, the woman is also partly responsible. It is a vicious cycle: she wants a material life, wealth and companionship, regardless of his manner, character and soul. If she does not develop her own qualities and character, and is content remaining airheaded and superficial, this is the kind of man who will be drawn to her.