Which religion?

Religion is a set of convictions which one practices in order to connect with our Creator and please Him the best. In here we invite you to believe in the only One. The One who created you and can give you happiness and success in this life and for your soul after death.

There are too many religions, and too many different understandings and ideologies. Each one claims they are the only one. What is the best path to connect with our Creator?

We are here to ask you to seek the truth, to seek your own soul. If your intention is sincere, the truth will be shown to you in multitudes of ways.

Call the Creator. Retreat to a quiet and secluded place, away from the chaos and interferences of daily life: the beach, the mountain, the forest. Go anywhere where you can be at peace and alone with your thoughts. Raise your hand to the sky and call Him:

“I need You.
Guide me, my Creator.
Guide me to You.
Light my heart to Your way.
Humble me to You.
I need You.
I need Your guidance.”

We are now in the journey of seeking guidance. This knowledge we share with you to help you to seek the true path. Yet it can only work and help you if you are sincerely seeking guidance, without any hidden agenda, prejudice or preconceptions. Humble yourself to the status of a seeker of guidance: meaning you sincerely believe that you need guidance, food of the soul, to know where you are going in life and where you will go after death.

At this time you have to be a seeker of the truth. You have to desire and want to know the journey of the soul after death and how you can achieve the success, happiness of your soul and the life after death, and the transition between this life and life after death.

Once you are really interested and value this issue, we promise you the knowledge we share with you will lead you to the happiness for infinity. The only One who can give it to you is the Creator, because after death no money or material means in this life can help you or go with you in your journey in the afterlife. We all know that our wealth or whatever we own or we think we own cannot be buried with us or in any way benefit us after we have died. How many elderly people are chronically ill, suffering for years until they die and all this time their own wealth cannot ease their pain or ward death off. Look at the people around you that those who die take nothing with them.

This is the call to humble yourself to the Power of the Almighty One and to wake up from the illusion and the status of life. However young you are, however healthy, sooner or later, unless death overtakes you first, you will get older and eventually you will die. After that, your unseen journey after death will begin, and there is no turning back.

Just because the state of the afterlife is unknown does not make it unreal. A baby in the womb is incapable of comprehending its next stage of life, after which he leaves the comforting darkness of his mother’s belly into this world. His life in the womb has ended, but it is not the end. He travels to a different stage in life, from which there is no turning back. Similar to death, it is the next stage of our lives from which there is no turning back to the comforts of this world. Just because we have not emerged on the other side does not mean the other side does not exist.

If our lives, as it were, simply ended at our last breaths, then it means that life was entirely worthless, a series of events with a random finish line, with plenty of our affairs in this world uncompleted and rendered pointless, matters left hanging, with no reward for being good or retribution for being evil. Our most basic senses will tell us that life cannot be that meaningless – there must be something more, there must be a POINT to why we lived. It is the belief in the afterlife that gives our own lives meaning and direction – but which way do we go? What road do we travel?

This is why we invite you to the knowledge to the correct Book, to the correct Map. If you follow it, it will lead you to the happiness and tranquility.

There is only one Creator

The Almighty is One.

His message should be One to mankind. It is a singular and universal message, with no room for gender, racial or financial discrimination. Nothing grants you status in His eyes, except the desire and the need of His guidance.

The Creator, the Almighty One, is beyond comprehension. He is neither male nor female. He is the eternal, He always was and He will always be. He was not born, nor does He have children. There is nothing similar or equivalent to Him – He is beyond our imagination because He is beyond the laws of physics which constrain us and our imaginations.

He is the Creator, and we are all His creation. He is self sufficient and has no need of anyone of us, but all of mankind and creation is in need of Him.

He knows you intimately, every recess of your heart, every thought, every breath, wish and desire. He knows your innermost feelings, even those which you dare not voice out or even think about. He sees you in everything you do, whether you are in a crowd in bright daylight or hiding alone in the deepest darkness. He knows what you yearn for, what you fear, what gives you hope, what gives you strength and what makes you weep.

He was the one who created you, and He knows every atom in your body, all your strengths, weaknesses, attributes, advantages and disadvantages. He knows all of these down to the most minute detail which even you cannot comprehend, down to every blood cell that courses through your veins. He knew you before you were even born. He is the only being who knows what is good for you and what can harm you, and no other existence in this universe knows and understands you better than He can.

If you submit to Him, He will make life easy for you to bear and will show you the way to obtain the ultimate happiness in this life and then to Paradise, for eternal happiness.

As we said at the beginning of these series, your physical body will die, but your soul will live forever. Where you soul is destined depends on how much you nourish, take care, value and feed your soul when you are alive.

The ultimate need of your soul is the connection with the Creator, and to bow down and submit to the will of your Creator. The same way that the physical body has its needs, the this is what your soul truly yearns. This is all you need to do, and if you understand this, you will achieve incredible peace and happiness through all this life, through its hardships and its ease, as well as taste the ultimate joy of everlasting Paradise once your life on this earth has expired. There is no other way.

Our souls were created with an instinctive need to connect with our Creator, but our pursuits of daily desires, material needs, status and wealth cloud us from that recognition. This is why despite having obtained and even surpassed the successes of this life, most of humankind is lost, without direction, and leading lives which are glittering with worldly achievements but are in reality hollow and without meaning.

Let us remind you that this series is for those who humble themselves sincerely and really want the happiness of this life and afterlife. We need His knowledge, His wisdom, to tell us how to reach and gain His mercy and pleasure. So that we live this life in peace, die in peace and live the next life in peace.

This is why the Almighty Creator sent Messengers and Prophets throughout the history of mankind, together with books and scriptures to guide us and to show us the way.

Power, ego, arrogance, and belongings are of no use to us if we refuse to submit to our Creator. Those in the past who rebelled against the Creator are no longer. King after king, emperor after emperor, glorious civilizations and empires of the past, they are all gone now. They just leave behind crumbling monuments of past triumphs, but they themselves have been wiped out.

The same way that the current superpowers will disappear and be lost in history. Once civilization will succeed the next in power and glory, and the old ones will disappear in the mists of time. This is the truth. One day, even this earth will be gone. And who are we? Just a speck in our current civilization, and soon, we too, will be gone.

To make our lives matter, we need faith and a way of life to lead us physically and spiritually, body and soul to be united only to gain the guidance, the light, and wisdom of Almighty, the One who is eternal, the One who will never die, be destroyed or be replaced.

This is the purpose of religion. It is not to oppress or terrorize us, or to set political agendas that only benefit a few. It is to save our souls, give meanings to our lives and give us happiness in this life and the next.

We are inviting you to the last call before the Day of Judgment and before the End of Time, before we die, be it individually or collectively as mankind. We invite you to a better way of life, one rich with contentment instead of speckled with despair and hopelessness. A path of tranquility, of peace within and of infinite and eternal happiness.

We invite you to respond to the call of the only One, our Almighty Creator, to a way of life that will heal your heart and fill your life. We invite you to the most beautiful and fulfilling journey and to a wonderful way of life. This is the call to Islam, to the submission, obedience and surrender to the will of our Almighty God.

Click here for -Part 4