When things are on an even keel or on a comfortable and predictable plateau, it is not difficult to be on the path of obedience. However, once in a while, Allah shakes up your life to test your sincerity to Him. Those in a state of obedience to Allah will accept that what Allah has ordained is the best for them, and those whose sincerity is shaky, will struggle to cope with the tests.
Trials in life are inevitable, and as believers, we must be prepared for our faith to be tested. These can be in the form of calamities or with the loss of things which are precious and beloved to us. Surah Al Baqarah at 2:155 makes specific mention of things that we will be tested with: “fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits [of your labour].”
Hence, the Qur’an pinpoints our most basic instincts and emotions which lie at our primal core: fear, which denotes the absence of security; hunger, which denotes the inability to satisfy our most basic needs for physical survival; and the loss of our general material needs, including the people around us.
The Path of the Believer
What should we do when things do not go that well?
The solution is simple, for Verse 2:155 of Surat Al Baqarah concludes “… but give good tidings to the patient.”
Hence, the Qur’an has already told us the attitude to adopt when hardship falls upon us. With patience, we have demonstrated that our love of and trust in Allah outstrips the love of the things the loss of which we suffered.
What does this mean? An obedient person accepts that nothing, absolutely nothing, happens without the will of Allah. When there is any change in circumstance or any event that disrupts the equilibrium, they do not become unbalanced or get upset about the changes, but rather, they accept the changes with patience and trust in Allah.
This does not mean that believers are defeatists or losers in life. It simply means they recognize that when certain uncontrollable events happen, the best course of action is to accept such changes calmly. Despite the external hardships, their inner tranquility and emotional and psychological ability to deal with events remain intact.
If our faith in Allah is weak, it seems that this state of mind requires a superhuman effort. However this is not the case at all. It is simply a matter of letting go, and submitting our will to Allah’s Will. We give priority to Allah’s plans instead of our personal ones. It requires a simple shift of control – to transfer the trust and reliance that we have in ourselves, abilities and possessions; our dependence on our money and status; our reliance on the people around us – to trust, dependence and reliance in Allah alone.
Faith and love in Allah is such a beautiful thing. With the passing of every test comes rewards, both tangible and intangible, in this world and in the hereafter. All tests by Allah elevate us to a higher level in His eyes, but only if we pass them.
Hence, we can either get upset, question, analyse, refuse to accept undesirable events … we can weep bitter tears, complain, shake our fists in anger – but all these misguided emotions, desires and confusions will not help us in any constructive way.
On the other hand, we can submit to the will of Allah, because we know that there is a higher power which has caused these events to occur. Allah is the best Planner, and we are optimistic that whatever has happened, was the best for us.
If we adopt this conviction, we are effectively entrusting the burden of our fate to Him. We will have confidence that the same God who has taken care of us all our lives, will take care of us through our difficult moments. If we pass the test and exercise patience and gratitude in adversity, He will eventually reward us with something even better to compensate our obedience and trust in Him.
Indeed, in time the believer will come to understand how wonderful a gift Allah has bestowed upon us by not only providing us with this facility, but also in rewarding us for doing so.
Thanks for the reminder:) I
Thanks for the reminder:) I needed to read this
Just a question
As salam aleykoum , I thank you for this beautiful article ! I was wondering what if we cry not because we don´t accept our destiny but simply to feel less pain and make it easier to handle. Sometimes I do feel sad but I am thankful and make istighfar a lot to help me pass the test but still I AM sad and it hurts me. Is it a bad thing?
No,it is not a bad thing to
No,it is not a bad thing to feel sad…..indeed we have to realize that we are human beings after all, created by our maker to have feelings,emotions etc…so being hurt and sad is NOT a bad thing but a natural response to what we are..a human. InsyAllah ,Sarah you are already in the right track by making istigfar and actually acknowledging what is happening,indeed HE loves you and has chosen you to be closer to HIM….wallahualam…
Reply from Admin
Asm Sarah, of course it is not a bad thing or a deficiency to feel sad. Crying is a natural outlet to release our pain, and emotional hurt takes time to heal. The idea is, try not to dwell so much on the pain that it overwhelms you and overshadows the rest of your life. Whenever something negative occurs, remember that Allah tests you to strengthen you, not to break you down.
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your answers, it makes me love our religion even more ! El hamdullillah, may Allah Grant you Peace and Jannah inchallah !
We appriciate for the teachings
Hi Sarah
This is what you have to do. When something negative happens, we have to be persevere and put our trust in Allah SWT but remember that we are also human being. The reason Allah SWT tests us is to feel some emotional and physical pain to remind us that we need him. So feelings hurt emotionally is a part of the test. Its normal. That’s why your sins gets wiped out. Do this. Pray to the Creator in the last third of the night and talk to him and say: ya Rab, whatever happend was for the best and only you know whats good for me and I thank you for everything in my life. But I am also human and I feel such and such. Please ease my inner pain. Tell Allah how exactly you feel. And Insha Allah you will get through whatever you are dealing with now. Allah SWT also mentioned that after every hardship there’s ease. Indeed, after every hardship there’s ease. There will be 2 good surprises after each test remember that. Hope this helps you Insha Allah
thank you very much! needed
thank you very much! needed this…. jazakallah!
Alhamdulilah ur article was
Alhamdulilah ur article was timely for me.Bcos am at breaking point.May Allah ease my emotional trauma n pain.thanks for d article once again.
Verse in suratu-l-Ankabut is 2&3 and not 1&2.
Doing something I kno is wrong but with intention to taubat . Does it make any sense ?
great naseeha for the practicing muslim n muslimahs.
Assalamualikum. Its really a priceless reminder for me. im unable to express my thoughts. Every muslims ( all the brothers n sisters) should ask themself what r they doing in the name of mod3rn islmic thinking.
Jazak Allah
Thanks a lot for this article. Almost all of us needed to have this read. Jazak Allah. May Allah give us the strength to face our hard times.
facing some troubles
Asaalam o Alaikum brother I have been dealing wd medical isues had checked up and found all my test clear but still troubling I started praying and almost everyday I dua to Allah not for me only for every one but still I feel I am not satisfy today I read the above article and I felt like I am going on a wrong path by not being trustworthy towards Allah I feel guilty I trust Allah more then any thing but sometimes my emotions brake and start crying like a baby I am far away from my family I love them I trust Allah but why my heart s not believing in that my mind has made very depressed what should I do please help me out…………..Jazak Allah khair
Beautiful article. Felt great
Beautiful article. Felt great after reading , jazakAllah 🙂
Badly needed this article. My
Badly needed this article. My eyes were watery coz it helped clear a few things in mind. I was going through a tough time & was at a point of going to depression. I have full faith in Allah SWT & after reading this, I know I have to hold His string even thighter to come out of all of my problems. Inshallah ta’ala He will guide me & many others to the right path …… Ameen.
when things don’t go well
Jazakummullahu khairan for this beautiful reminder , may Allah (SWT) increase your knowledge and wisdom .
From admin
Asm, you are correct. Thank you for pointing out the mistake, it has been corrected in the article.
This is a beautiful reminder
Thank you so much for this beautiful reminder and words of wisdom. I will share this others and pray these words help them as much as it has helped me.
It was narrated that ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar said: “Sa’d bin ‘Ubâdah fell sick and the Messenger of Allah (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) came to visit him with ‘Abdur-Rahman bin ‘Awf, Sa’d bin Abi Waqqaas and Abdullah bin Mas’ud. When he entered upon him, he found him unconscious and he said: ‘Has he died?’ They said: ‘No, O Messenger of Allah.’ The Messenger of Allah wept, and when the people saw the Messenger of Allah weeping, they also wept. He said: ‘Have you not heard? Allah does not punish for the tears of the eye or the grief of the heart, rather He punishes for this’ – and he pointed to his tongue – ‘or shows mercy (because of it).'” Sahih Muslim, Kitab ul Janaez
help of Allah
Thank you very much for such a beautiful article.it is very much helpful specially to myself.we know but again we forget the way in time.pl post such beautiful reminder as many as possible..
From Admin
Asm, thank you for your comment. We will certainly try! In the meantime, if you feel anyone can benefit from this article, why not share the link with them? Jzk
From Admin
Wsm, I am happy to hear that. Please drop by at this website again, there are plenty of articles which we hope can inspire you and change your view on life.
From Admin
Asm, it is actually very tempting to do wrong and then have justifications for it. Instead of entering into something wrong with the intention to repent, why not refrain totally, and make dua for Allah to give you a better alternative? Everything goes back to your intention, and if yours is pure and sincere, Allah will guide you.
From Admin
Asm. Life is a journey, and throughout all this, we are continuously being tested, both with things which we like and things which we dislike. The only way to pass the test is to thank Allah for both situations, and to trust that whatever Allah has chosen for us is the best. Trusting Allah is a beautiful feeling, but it is also coupled with a journey of iman. In this journey, we also have to clear our doubts, and to strengthen our belief. Don’t despair, and don’t feel depressed. This journey is ongoing, life is ongoing. The more you connect with Allah, the more you will develop the trust. Whenever you feel depressed, do some zikr, say Alhamdulillah. Seek Allah, through understanding the Qur’an, reading inspirational books on Islam such as Don’t Be Sad, or simply by going through the abundance of online materials readily available, including this website. Just remember, the One who has taken care of your needs all your life, do you think He will abandon you if you actively seek Him, or do you think He will ignore you and stop taking care of you now? 🙂 Have faith.
From Admin
Wsm, I am happy that this article has impacted you positively. Just remember, whenever Allah tests you, it is not to break you, but it is to make you stronger. It is not because He hates you, it is because He loves you. And the way to pass the test, as you said, is to hold on even tighter, and insha Allah, when you pass the test, He will change your tough conditions to good ones. May He make it easy for you.
Excellent. Very first paragraph is the thought that already revealed to me.
Pain/ trail
I feel that this happened because of my actions , I fail in bussniss or some financial problem I wonder this is a test or my own mistakes lost house bussniss wealth,health I do pray and doing allott isthikhfar I look at my self I am much better person then before ,and of course the tears come in qyamulial can u explain plz,jazakAllah ho khair
just what i need
may Allah bless you for this article. it’s just what i need at this very moment.
allah is great
Shukr for the wonderful article,I really needed to read this,to be reminded that just how lucky we are,we are faced with so much difficulty,But Allah SWT never fails us,I sometimes cry and don’t understand why certain things happen,but I put my trust in Allah,all will be well In sha allah Ameen,I believe better days lies ahead of us.
was feeling what may happen
this article hit every feeling that I was feeling within myself , O thank you Allah for my mishaps.Ameen.Z
Well said. I have been
Well said. I have been emotionally hurt and crying, I always Pray to God to give me strength and courage and lift me up and Enlighten me. Also I say that You don’t want me to cry. God said “If you cry I will cry too and If you Laugh I will Laugh Too”. So why make God cry. Sorry I come from a Christian background. Its takes time to get over emotional hurts, be positive and pray. I bet you will get over it ASAP. This is my great experience. 🙂
jzk for this reminder it is very inspirational and hopeful 😀 x
Jazak Allah for Marvellous Article
Jazak Allah for such wonderful article. This is need of Muslim Ummah. It has strengthened my faith and conviction. Am going through some very troubling time and needed such enlightenment. Will In Sha Allah continue to bow my head for mercy by my Allah my creator on me. With total trust in Him lies my destiny and future. Once again Jazak Allah for such wonderful revelation for guidance.
It is normal to feel sad.
It is normal to feel sad. Allah gave us these emotions so we will feel it. However, we should not come to the point where we blame Allah for the hurdle we are going through. As mentioned in the article, we might not know but this pain might be necessary for us for the betterment of our lives.. May Allah make everyone pass theses tests…Ameen