Instruction Manual
Parents joke that they wish their babies had been born with instruction manuals. Actually, humankind came with an instruction manual from our Creator – the Qur’an. In it, are detailed prescriptions for our lifestyles, the do’s and the don’t’s. And that is reinforced by the teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Allah has not simply left us stranded to figure out our direction in life, He has given us ample clues and answers. All we need to do is to apply them in our lives.
Yet often, even Muslims disregard these instructions. Or, we cherry pick, choose the aspects of Islam that please us, and ignore (or even deny) the ones that are inconvenient to us. In doing so, we keep pushing ourselves into environments that Allah has warned us against in the strictest terms.
Incidents of relationship problems, broken hearts, substance abuse, financial stress and family problems, are usually rooted by our disregard to what we are meant to do in this life, compounded by our persistent lack of following Allah’s teachings on getting out of difficult situations when they occur.
Excessive attachment to material goods and people, family, setting unrealistic goals for worldly success, behaving in ways to achieve our hearts’ desires, longing for the superficial, judging people by their beauty or wealth – none of these values were prescribed to us by Islam. In fact, some of these actions are strongly condemned. Yet, we stubbornly persist, implementing them in our daily activities, and in doing so, we steadily push Islam out of our lives.
Would we buy a car, ignore the instructions and fill the engine with water instead of petrol? Would we buy the latest smartphone and leave it unprotected in the rain? Would we ignore the labels of our expensive dry clean only suits, and put them in the washing machine?
If we are cognizant enough to observe the simple labels and instructions for the things we possess, then why are we careless about observing the rules and injunctions which guarantee the safety of our souls?
When all levels of our lives are out of synch with Islam, the natural conclusion is that, Islam will not compatible with our lives! Yet, have it the wrong way round. It is our lifestyles which are not compatible with Islam.
Going back to basics
The first thing we have to remind ourselves of why we are here. Let us again contemplate the question:
What is our purpose in life?
We were all created to worship Allah.
What we get in rerun is peace on this earth and Paradise in the hereafter. We will taste the joy and contentment that can only come from experiencing Allah’s love and protection to us. It is a reward unmatched any career, money, house or spouse can ever give us on this earth.
But there is a catch –
During our time on earth, we will be tested again and again for our sincerty.
Through fear, hunger, the loss of our loved ones, the fruits of our labour.
There will be distractions, and the call of dunia will constantly entice us to make us forget our original purpose in life.
Our goal is to pass these series of tests. And Islam has been sent to us to show us how to pass these tests.
If we understand this, we will live our lives in a way that is compatible with Islam. We can still continue with the exams, careers, spouses and children – after all, Islam is not devoid of practicality, but the priorities of material objectives will be reprioritised to accommodate our overriding goal in life.
There would be no question of Islam being incompatible with our lifestyles if our lifestyles are compatible with Islam.
Whereas, if we set goals for our earthly benefit and make material accummulation the lifeblood of our existence, we are distracted from our core purpose in life. That’s where the conflict starts and that is when we will have difficulty accommodating Islam in our lives.
When we ignore any one of our needs, we become imbalanced and weakened. By placing too much emphasis on our material (often, short term needs), at the expense of our spiritual needs, we lose the plot. In the pursuit of a new house, new friends, new places to travel, new hobbies, children, work … life becomes a confusing and hectic whirlwind and we lose sight of what we are meant to do.
Now what? What now?
If you are still reading this article, then you know deep down that even if you do find your material comfort, it will not make you happy if your soul is starving.
You know as a truth, life is more profound than the simple accumulation of status, wealth and good looking spouses.
You know as a fact, that you were created for a higher and altogether nobler purpose!
Now ask yourself – are you willing to accept that purpose, and make your life compatible with Islam so that Islam will be compatible with your life?
The choice is yours.
life style and Islam
I would like to say thanks for this nice article about our today’s life and Islam and I must say it I’ll help to understand our real purpose of life.