Beliefs and CelebrationsHajj series


We have seen people taking selfies, talking on the phone and doing live streams during tawaf. Please do not do this. You are in an act of worship, and there is no benefit in showing off what you are doing to others. Doing so brings your sincerity to Allah into question. In fact, it is a huge disrespect to the occasion and to Allah to be distracted with your phone at the very minute you are begging for His forgiveness! Keep the tawaf between you and Allah, not between you and your social media.

If you feel strongly about taking a photo (which the officials of Masjid al Haram have confirmed is permitted), at least finish the umrah first. Come back at a later stage and take care not to inconvenience others when you do so.

Do not hold up the traffic, for example, by lingering at Maqam Ibrahim (a glass enclosure from which the footprint of Ibrahim AS is displayed) or walking against the flow.  

The kissing of the Black Stone (Hajaratul Aswad) is a sunnah and is not compulsory. If you are unable to reach the Black Stone without causing aggression and harm to others, please do not even try. There is no point committing multiple sins such as losing your temper or injuring others just to fulfil a sunnah. There have been scuffles in which women have had their scarves pulled off, and it is not worth taking that risk. If it is crowded, it suffices to wave to the Black Stone and say “Allahu Akbar” (according to the type of tawaf you are performing).

You might be washed with different waves of emotions during the tawaf, and it is a supremely humbling moment for many. Just thinking about the weight of the history of the Ka’bah and the number of Prophets and Companions who have trodden the same path is enough to make anyone go weak with awe. The amount of mercy that Allah descends on the Ka’bah is palpable and is enough to make you weep.

If you happen to lose count of the number of rounds you have done, please err on the side of caution and take the lower estimate. If you fall short of the seven rounds, your tawaf is not complete, whereas if you do extra by mistake, it does not invalidate your tawaf.

Once the tawaf is completed, make your way to Maqam Ibrahim and perform two rakaat of prayer behind Maqam Ibrahim. Please note that usually, we are not allowed to pass in front of people when they pray, but we are allowed to do so in the Haramain. Therefore do not be upset when people walk in front of you when you are praying.

After that you can help yourself to zam-zam water. It is recommended to drink your fill, but to drink it slowly, facing the Ka’bah while standing up and making a du’a at every gulp.

Click here for – Part 6

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