Qur'an and SunnahSunnah


Part 1

What Sunnah means

The word sunnah means habit or a certain fixed way of doing things, done constantly and consistently and without any variation.

There is the sunnah of Allah, which is described in the Qur’an, in which you find that Allah does certain things with no change in His methodology, whether by increase or decrease. With the sunnah of Allah, things follow a consistent pattern, from the rotation of the earth around the sun to the rewards or retributions in this life and the hereafter for those who follow or deny the course of action commanded by Allah.

With reference to the Prophet SAW, the sunnah means his fixed customs or habits that he does regularly, ranging from the one that he does all the time without fail, to the ones that he does occasionally or only under certain circumstances. It is not to be confused with his teachings to us, which are mandatory for us to implement. This article deals with the sunnah of the Prophet SAW.

People mistakenly believe that the sunnah of the Prophet SAW merely refers to a set of regulations or commandments. Many of us today try to implement the sunnah on others by going directly to the rules and regulations of Islam. In fact, the sunnah is more encompassing than this. In order to implement it properly, there are a few things that we need to understand and appreciate first.

Who are we following?

It is human nature that if we love and admire someone, we would like to imitate him, or at least, do the things that please him. We would not simply follow the footsteps of a stranger or a person whose manner is despicable. To gain a deeper appreciation of why we implement the sunnah in our lives, we should understand the man who we are trying to imitate.

If we study the sequence of revelations, the first few years had little to do with commands and prohibitions on Islam. Instead, Allah introduced Himself to us, little by little. Most of the early revelations were to call people towards Allah by the descriptions of Allah’s characteristics, might and attributes. Allah did not introduce himself to us through fiqh or regulations, but rather, He slowly acquainted us with tawhid, the Oneness of Allah. The deeper our understanding of who Allah is, the more we are inclined to love and obey Him.

Similarly when we try to implement the sunnah of the Prophet SAW, we should refrain from rushing into the do’s and don’ts. Instead, we should first examine or understand and familiarise ourselves with his character. The more we get acquainted with his qualities and manner, the more we will cultivate our love and attachment to him. The more we understand what Allah says about Muhammad SAW and realise the esteem that Allah has for him, the more we will understand why he should be our role model, and why we are required to follow his sunnah.

What can we learn from Nabi Muhammad’s SAW life?

A study of the lives of the previous Prophets and Messengers will show that Allah had chosen them to carry His Message for a certain time, place and nation. These were men of high calibre, as one cannot persuade others to the path of Allah if he himself has bad manners and lacks quality. Of these Prophets, five were selected as the greatest – the Ulul Azm. Each of them had different qualities and was granted different miracles to suit their communities. These great five Prophets and Messengers were Nuh AS, Ibrahim AS, Musa AS, Isa AS and finally Muhammad SAW, the seal of the prophets. Being the final Prophet and Messenger on earth, Allah had chosen him to be the best of mankind, in order for him to be able to transmit a message and a way of life that will apply to all of mankind and endure until the Day of Judgment.

While we are forbidden to worship Rasulullah SAW, we are taught to respect him. This respect is an extension of our respect for Allah, for if we were to obey Allah, we would respect whoever Allah elevates as part of our obedience to Him.

The Prophet SAW came from the best lineage amongst the Qurayshi tribe. Notwithstanding his noble ancestry tracing back to Ibrahim AS, his life was one of hardship. He was orphaned at a young age, illiterate, and lived under difficult circumstances. The significance of this is to demonstrate to the rest of us that one does not need to carry wealth and status to spread Islam. What is truly important is the sincerity of the heart, humbleness of the spirit and the purity of the soul, all of which were possessed by Prophet Muhammad SAW.

His good manners spoke volumes about his character. For example, it was his exemplary behaviour and honesty that caught the attention of Khadija RA, who offered herself in marriage to him.

When we profess to carry the sunnah, the first thing that will be scrutinised by others will be our manner and behaviour. If we claim that we are the followers of the sunnah, but our behaviour is harsh, unsympathetic and rude, how can we claim to be the messenger of the sunnah? We cannot assert this claim if we do not carry in us any mercy, manner or caring for mankind.

If we claim to be following the sunnah, it does not mean that simply preaching the rules and scolding those around us will discharge our duties. The imitation of the Prophet’s SAW way of doing things goes to the foundation of his character, and essentially, it is important that we also reflect his beautiful manners and mercy to mankind in our actions.

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  1. Misleading Statement

    Sunnah of Allah??? Are you out of your mind? Which verse in Quran or even in hadith stated there is sunnah of Allah?

  2. Reply from Admin

    Sunnah is in itself a word, which has a meaning, and it means a certain way of doing things. Allah has a sunnah, and so does the Prophet SAW. We are glad that you raised this, for we do not want our readers to be confused between the two.
    If you could email us at muslimfootsteps@gmail.com, we will give you the relevant verses and hadith to explain this concept, insha Allah.

  3. From Admin

    Further to our reply, please see the following verses:

    (17:77) (This was Our) Sunnah (rule or way) with the Messengers We sent before you (O Muhammad SAW), and you will not find any alteration in Our Sunnah (rule or way, etc.).

    (33:38) There is not to be upon the Prophet any discomfort concerning that which Allah has imposed upon him. [This is] the established way of Allah with those [prophets] who have passed on before. And ever is the command of Allah a destiny decreed.

    (33:62) [This is] the established way of Allah with those who passed on before; and you will not find in the way of Allah any change.

    (40:85) But never did their faith benefit them once they saw Our punishment. [It is] the established way of Allah which has preceded among His servants. And the disbelievers thereupon lost [all].

    (48:23) [This is] the established way of Allah which has occurred before. And never will you find in the way of Allah any change.

    As Muslims we should verify our knowledge before we assume something, verify with credible source. These are some of the verses in Qur’an about the sunnah of Allah, and in the Quran it uses the word sunnah.

    Sunnah in Arabic language as a word means the habit that never changes. The way of things which never change. When we say the sunnah of the Prophet, The sunnah is habit and custom that he does and never changes it. Sunnah of Allah is the way Allah deals with things, and Allah by Himself said that His sunnah will never change. This you can see in the above verses of the Qur’an. Not one but many and you find out there is 2 style of verification by Allah. One when Allah used the verb sunnah and emphasized by Himself, and emphasize by the ending of it will never be changed or altered. It will always be the same.

    Meaning Allah emphasizes, verifies to us and also opens our awareness and our alertness on this issue. He wants us to remember that this issue is extremely important. We have to be vigilant about it because the history of everything repeats itself.

    In Islam, sharing knowledge, passing knowledge, uttering knowledge by mouth is an amanah. It is a trust. We will be questioned about it on the Day of Judgment. Any believer who believes in Allah and His messenger and he believes he will stand in front of Allah and be questioned, he will make sure that he will never pass false information or not credible information by any means. Why? Rasulullah SAW promised, whoever does so or says any lie, prepare your chair in hellfire, meaning the person will be doomed in hellfire forever.

  4. Mana ada Sunnah of Allah…..

    Mana ada Sunnah of Allah……merepeklah penulis ni, yg ada Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW je……..

  5. From Admin

    Asm, please read the citations in the Qur’an in the comments above about the sunnah of Allah. Please brother make sure you have done your research first before giving your opinion.

  6. holding on to dogma

    Many people, without doing proper research, often conclude what they know from hearsay… Even Allah has said, in Surah al-Hajj [22:46], “So have they not traveled through the earth and have hearts by which to reason and ears by which to hear? For indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts.”

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