It was reported that Malik Ashja’ee (RA) once came to Rasulullah (SAW) and told his that his son Awf (RA) had been taken captive. Rasulullah (SAW) sent a message to Awf (RA) that he should profusely recite ‘Laa Hawla wa Laa Quwwata Illaa Billaah’. When the messenger conveyed the message to Awf (RA), he continuously recited: “Laa Hawla wa Laa Quwwata Illaa Billaah.”
Awf (RA) was bound by leather straps. He managed to untie himself. As he made his escape, he found a camel belonging to his captors and mounted it. Further afield, he found other cattle of his captors grazing. He rounded them all up, and turned up at his father’s doorstep, unscathed and with all the cattle!
He related the details of his escape to his father. His father then went to Rasulullah (SAW) and told him what had happened to Awf (RA). It was then that Allah revealed the verse: Allah shall create an escape (from difficulties) for the one who fears (disobeying) Allah (one who has Taqwa) and shall provide for him (what he requires) from sources that he never expected. Allah is Sufficient (to solve all problems) for the one who trusts in Him (who is convinced that only Allah can assist him). (At Talaq, verses 2 – 3)
Another narration states that when Awf’s (RA) father went to Rasulullah (SAW), he lamented about the situation his son was in and the difficulty he was suffering. Rasulullah (SAW) advised him to exercise patience, saying, “Allah shall soon create an escape for him.”
Today, if this were the advice that we received under a similar situation, we would push back and look for another solution. Paradoxically, we guard our salah and recite the Qur’an, but when a situation arises, we distrust our Creator to take care of our issues. We would prefer hurry to others for help, believing that practical advice in an impossible situation overrides Allah’s might. Would we be willing to rely on Allah as a first, last and only resort?
Taqwa or fear of Allah is not just in the external rituals – clothing, recitation of certain phrases, visits to the masjid and the avoidance of haram. Sincere iman and taqwa are the invisible forces that prevent us from plunging into haram actions, and reinforces the realisation that a calamity actually carries us closer to Allah. It gives us conviction in Allah’s ability over ours.
Zikr is an advice from Allah, and there is no sin if we fail to do it. Failure to perform du’a has deeper implications. You will only call upon someone for support if you believe in his ability to help. Du’a is the realization that you are in a position of surrender and need. The du’a is lined with elements of worship and submission.
Al Fatihah for instances, is a series of powerful supplications for Allah’s guidance.
A lady wanted to perform umrah, but she had difficulty because she had no muhrim to accompany her. We advised her to perform du’a to Allah for a solution, but she refused. Instead, she believed that her solution was by finding a man to marry and be her muhrim. Even in matters of worship, she refused to trust in Allah and follow the steps that Allah loves, which is to turn to Him for help. Even though her primary intention for umrah was for worship, her nafs dictated a solution that she desired, and unfortunately, the choice she made did not bring her any closer to performing umrah.
Allah will grant you what you ask for, depending on how sincerely you believe in the One you are asking from. Observing the habit of making du’a on everything from the routine daily actions to major problems will put you in a position where things fall into place easily, because you are asking for Allah’s help every step of the way. If you make du’a with the right manner and intention, the results will astound you. The impossible will become possible, and avenues that you thought were blocked will suddenly open up to you. Solutions you had never dreamt of will appear before your eyes. Help from sources you would never imagine will appear at your doorstep.
The more you believe in Allah, the more du’a you will make. Lack of du’a indicates arrogance, disobedience and lack of reliance on than Allah.
Istighfar and taubah are also du’a because they are premised on Allah’s power to forgive. If we engage in thinking and doing zikr, we will naturally perform du’a.
The conviction of du’a comprises all the other levels of zikr, but with the added element of surrender. An increase in the surrender to Allah will increase the support we will receive from Allah.
Do you ever think how much it costs for an accepted du’a? Do you ever wish for your du’a to be accepted, and to be famous in the kingdom of Allah? Even if you make all these du’a, how much time, money, effort, sacrifice and love to gain such a status? How much time and money do we spend for vacations, lifestyles and cars? Just think where your priority and values are.