The evidence of Allah’s ultimate love and pleasure for us is if Allah rescues us from Hellfire and admits us to Paradise. This is unlike a salary, which will run out after it has been spent. The divine reward from Allah endures for all eternity – not just a home in Paradise, but all the lack of disease, pain and suffering, and all the joy and peace associated with that final resting place.
Yet, even with this knowledge, why do we still allow the riptides of dunia to drag us under? It is Shaitan’s relentless mission to occupy us with the time wasting trivialities and forget the promise of Allah, and if we are not careful, we will fall for this trick again and again.
If we ignore Allah for too long, it does not bode well for us at all. Allah will cause us to forget to do what is good for us, and we will lose all our spiritual awareness and bearings.
And be not like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves. Those are the defiantly disobedient. (Al Hashr, verse 19)
So how will you live out the remainder of your days? Do you want to be in Allah’s attention, or do you want to be in a state where on the day that you need Him the most, Allah will ignore you? Can you imagine the feeling if you are asking for a raise, and your manager doesn’t even acknowledge your presence in the meeting room? What about a state where you are in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, but because you had expelled Allah from your remembrance in dunia, Allah chooses to forget you in akhirah? How can we take it for granted that Allah will shower us with His mercy when our actions in dunia do not warrant it?