Names of Allah SeriesWho Is Allah

Allah has also warned us against behaviour that He does not love. Naturally we should strive to avoid having these types of behaviour and characteristics.
- Transgression and aggression against each other. Physical aggression is an obvious example, but aggressive behaviour can also be characterised by verbal, financial and emotional aggression, intimidation and all other forms of hostile or bullying behaviour towards others which transgress boundaries and rights of others. “Allah does not like transgressors.” (Al Baqarah, verse 190)
- Corruption, or mufsideen who spread harm and damage through their actions, words, intentions and thoughts. Examples include those who spread wickedness and instigate harm against others. “And they strive throughout the land [causing] corruption, and Allah does not like corrupters.” (Al Ma’eda, verse 64). This also applies to those who cause damage through their stinginess or by taking what does not belong to them. The mufsideen benefits only himself, often at the expense of others.
- Disbelief – the disbelievers or the kufr deny the truth, including the existence of Allah, even after they have obtained sound knowledge or seen the evidence or signs of the truth. “And Allah does not like every sinning disbeliever.” (Al Baqarah, verse 276), “Indeed, He does not like the disbelievers.” (Ar-Rum, verse 45). Enemies of Islam such as Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab, had already declared that they would not believe in the message of Islam even if all the miracles were shown to them, but there are so many others who still disbelieve in the existence of the Creator even with ample miracles of creation surrounding them.
- Oppression – The word zulm covers a wide spectrum of wrongs, injustice, cruelty and oppression. It occurs when one treats another unjustly, harmfully, oppressively or in a tyrannical or bullying manner. This includes domestic abuse and the oppression of family members, employees and maids. We tend to oppress in accordance with our cultures, society and haughtiness, violating the teachings set by our teacher, Muhammad (SAW). There are even kinds of oppressive behaviour that kills a person inside repeatedly, such as mental or emotional abuse. “… and Allah does not like the wrongdoers.” (Ali Imran, verse 57). This includes oppressing our own selves, by committing sins repeatedly and not taking any steps to refrain from it.
- Arrogance and boastfulness – there are various warnings against these traits both in the Qur’an and Hadith. Even an atom of arrogance in a person’s heart can obstruct one’s entry to Paradise. Arrogance can be displayed in many forms, including attitude, speech, dress, racism and manner. It is immensely disliked by Allah, because we, as powerless human beings and creations of Allah, have no right to walk arrogantly on God’s earth. “Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful.” (An Nisa, verse 36).
- Public mention of evil – those who spread zulm by speech. “Allah does not like the public mention of evil except by one who has been wronged.” (An Nisa, verse 148). This includes those who spread gossip, untruths, rumours, slander and backbiting. The repercussions of these acts cannot be undermined. It can damage reputations, rupture societies and destroy marriages.
- Traitorous – which are those who are disloyal and betray the rights and trust of others. These are those who behave in a treacherous manner, reveal the secrets of others and stab others in the back. It is noteworthy that those who betray their marriage by revealing domestic secrets and private marital details to outsiders are also traitors to the marriage. “And do not argue on behalf of those who deceive themselves. Indeed, Allah loves not one who is a habitually sinful deceiver.” (An Nisa, verse 107), and “Indeed, Allah does not like traitors.” (Al Anfal, verse 58).
- Excessiveness and wastefulness: “And be not excessive. Indeed, He does not like those who commit excess.” (Al An’am, verse 141) and “O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess.” (Al Araf, verse 31). This is for both ends of the scale of stinginess and wastefulness. The spendthrift is a companion of Shaitan, and so is the miser. “Indeed, the wasteful are brothers of the devils, and ever has Satan been to his Lord ungrateful.” (Al Isra’, verse 27). Be moderate in your spending and spend as much as you can in the path of Allah. Extravagance is not to be confused with generosity – people may lavish on their friends for the sake of impressing them or obtaining favours – and this is wasteful, whereas generosity is measured by how much one is willing to give others purely for Allah’s pleasure.