Qur’anic Reference:
And your Lord inspired to the bee, “Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct.
Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you].” There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought. (An Nahl 16:68-69)
A man came to Prophet Muhammad SAW and said, “My brother has diarrhea.” The Prophet SAW said: “Give him honey to drink.” So he gave that to him, then he came to him and said, “I gave him honey to drink but it only made his diarrhea worse.” He repeated that to him three times, then the man came to him SAW the fourth time and he SAW said: “Give him honey to drink.” He said, “I gave it to him to drink but it only made it worse.” The Messenger of Allah SAW said: “Allah is telling the truth and your brother’s stomach is lying.” And he gave it to him again to drink and he recovered.
Scientific researches have proven honey to be extremely effective at killing germs. In the case of the man’s brother, it could have been that the symptoms of diarrhea remained until all the germs were killed by the honey that Prophet Muhammad SAW had prescribed for him.
Honey is an effective antibiotic when applied topically on wounds and burns . It also cures skin diseases.
As seen from the hadith mentioned above, honey heals digestive system as well as stomach and duodenal ulcers.
It is very effective in fighting liver diseases and poisoning with heavy metals.
Honey is also very effective in treating eye ailments such as corneal infection, viral corneal infection, regular and chronic inflammation of the eye, and dryness of the conjunctiva.
Aside from these, some of the diseases that may be treated by using honey are: bedwetting, colds, flues, throat infections, insomnia and stress/agitated nerves, alcoholic poisoning, cough, and muscle spasms.
Despite the fact that honey contains a high level of sugar, studies have shown a great difference between normal sugar and honey in nutrition. Sugar that is manufactured from honey does not cause fermentation or the growth of germs, hence children who are treated with honey have less need for antibiotics than those who do not use it.
Honey requires sometime before its healing effects begin to show and this time differs from person to person. What we know for sure is that Allah SWT, Himself, has assured us that there is healing in this great, delicious syrup.
Alternative uses:
Research shows that honey contains protein, vitamins B and C, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, carbohydrates and sulfur. All in all, it is an excellent product for personal care.
Honey is used for the purity and radiance of the skin, stop and prevent hair loss, treat damaged hair, treatment of freckles, whitening of teeth and gum protection.
Make this rich natural tonic a part of your daily life but make sure to get pure honey that bees collect from flowers and plants, and not mass produced honey which is made by feeding bees sugar-water.
some more desc
it very useful info, it would have been nice if you could mention how to use, when to take it…like first thing in the morning or with breakfast or whenever we feel like…:)
From Admin
Asm Tara
Thank you for the suggestion! We will work on it, Insha Allah.